The Most Common Cause of Gum Disease

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a common oral health condition affecting the tissues supporting your teeth. It’s a preventable oral health problem that causes the gums to become red and swollen. When left untreated, it can lead to tooth or bone loss and infection. 

Many factors contribute to the development of gum disease. But there is one cause that tends to occur more often than others.

What Is the Most Common Cause of Gum Disease? 

Poor oral hygiene is the most significant factor contributing to gum disease. Even with routine brushing and flossing, plaque continuously forms on your teeth. When you don’t brush enough, plaque hardens and turns into tartar. This substance can only be removed by a dental professional. 

Tartar forms on your teeth and below the gum line, causing inflammation and discomfort. Eventually, it leads to an early gum disease stage called gingivitis. This stage of the disease is treatable, and the damage is reversible. 

However, if it progresses to more severe stages, the condition increases the risk of bone deterioration and tooth loss. 

Prevent Gum Disease With Good Oral Hygiene Habits 

You can avoid gum disease and its advanced stages by practicing good oral hygiene at home. Brush your teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush a minimum of twice daily. Incorporate daily flossing, and you’re on your way to having a good report at your next dental visit. 

Along with developing an at-home routine, visiting the dentist routinely for cleaning and exams is vital for preventing gum disease. During these appointments, a hygienist removes any buildup forming on your teeth to create smooth surfaces, making it more difficult for more plaque to stick to them.

Your dentist can also evaluate your smile to detect any signs of gum disease early, which can mean more effective and less invasive treatment.

Schedule an Exam and Cleaning With Dr. Piper 

At David W. Piper, DMD Family Dentistry, our experienced and compassionate team can help effectively protect your smile against gum disease and other oral health concerns in Florida. Call us today at 727-548-7100 to schedule your next visit!


I've been a patient of Dr. Piper's for the last 19 years so it's very obvious that I've been a very very satisfied patient. I had an excellent full check-up today with x-rays and everything was perfect. Perfect because I've been going consistently and following their experts on dental care, cleaning and good health! Bravo 👏 👏 👏
Deborah M.

Dr. Piper and staff are always very professional, I have been a patient for over 15 years, and happy about it. Just got my teeth cleaned and checked recently, Sandra is friendly and thorough, and the office felt very clean which is important.
Tom T.

Staff were fast and attentive, didn't wait long before I saw Dr. Piper. The office is clean and organized. Was a great decision to use this practice and will be visiting again. Not a single issue. Cannot recommend enough.
Ted M.

Thank you Sandra, for my teeth cleaning....I had a great experience, I do love getting my teeth cleaned! Piper Family Dentistry rocks...😁.
Deborah W.
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